The Incident Tracking System application was developed a few years ago as a tool to manage safety incidents and close calls in the workplace. Most workplace sectors in BC now require some sort of safety certification and process in place to effectively manage workplace safety incidents, close calls as well as identify and track employee or managment identified workplace hazards that need attention. This application is a robust data entry, data storage and reporting functionality developed to assist any organization in their safety incident managment. Some functions that this application provides are:
- safety incident (close calls and accidents) data entry
- provides a mechanism to assign responsibily and follow up
- allows for the entry of identified existing workplace hazards with the mechanism to assign responsiblity and follow up
- tracks proposed, existing and completed corrective actions on all incidents and hazards
- reports on corrective action status through a user defined query interface that can report on one or many incidents/hazards
- functionality to print, export or email reports and raw data
Browse through the slides in the gallery below to see some screenshots of the application in use…